Home :: Kits & Mini Kits :: Both Sides - pagekit

Both Sides - pagekit

Both Sides - pagekit
Gina Lou Beth Femke Beth Stacy

Both Sides - pagekit

This product enables you (partly) to create digital scrapbook or art-journal layouts. The theme of this collection is Both Sides.

In life, things are not always clear. For example, every story has two or more sides. Apart from stories, almost everything has an opposite. Light and dark, day and night, right and wrong... There is more between these opposite concepts. I am a big fan of art journaling. By scrapping, I make things that I find complex or that affect me more insightful for myself. Beware, because it is addictive!

This digital kit contains:
Both Sides - elements
Both Sides - papers


  • This product is 100% digital and can be downloaded instantly after payment
  • All files are 300 dpi for good print quality
  • Elements are the same size as shown on the preview
  • Check your stock before you buy, this product is also sold in another SPPP store
  • In some products elements or papers from other products are reused, with or without modifications
  • It is possible that the example layouts contain papers/elements/wordarts and/or used templates etc. that are not in this product
  • This product is part of the Both Sides collection 


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Add date: 12 Aug 2023
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