Home :: Templates :: Kindness Counts: Foundations

Kindness Counts: Foundations

Kindness Counts: Foundations
by Julie by Janik by Ozegirl by Rochelle

In a world that is often cruel, there is always a need for more kindness. I think it's important to encourage and document kind acts, kind characteristics and kind friends in our scrapbooks. Let your friends and family know that you believe that KiNDNESS COUNTS!

Download includes two foundation templates in psd, tiff and png formats.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.

This product was sold in my 2024 Lolly Bags. Please check your stash before buying.


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Add date: 05 Aug 2024

This product is downloadable.

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