Noahs Ark 1-2 Layered Templates (CU)
Build your own ark with the individual templates - this pack includes the character, ark, ocean and ocean animals
Easy to use Noah's Ark party or baby themed cu layered templates - add your own colours and paper fills to match your creations.
All at 300ppi, supplied in layered PSD, TIFF and PNGs files for ease of use in any program.
PACK1 contains:
x1 anchor
x1 ark - with an option for an open window
x1 balloon
x1 dolphin
x1 fish
x1 flag
x1 ladder
x1 noah - with an option without the headdress
x1 rainbow with clouds
x1 waves
PACK2 contains:
x1 dove with olive branch
x1 elephant
x1 giraffe
x1 hippo
x1 lion
x1 monkey
x1 olive branch