Home :: Paper Packs :: Pieces of April: Semi-Solid Papers

Pieces of April: Semi-Solid Papers

Pieces of April: Semi-Solid Papers
by Alanna by cutiejo1 by Janik by Janik by lbrtychic by lbrtychic

April is such a beautiful month. Here in Utah, spring is in full bloom, although we can still get a late snow storm that covers the new growth with a magical frosty blanket. Then, the sun comes out, the snow melts and the tulips, and daffodils reappear, adding splashes of color to gardens as they emerge from a long winter. I designed Pieces of April to scrap your spring photos, everyday moments that made you smile and even your green thumb projects.

Download includes 24 semi-solid papers (12" x 12")

All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.


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Add date: 30 Mar 2021

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