Season of Thanks is a heartwarming digital scrapbooking collection that celebrates the spirit of gratitude and the cozy moments of fall. From Thanksgiving feasts to quiet reflections, this collection beautifully captures the warmth and joy of the entire season of thanks.
Kit - 18 patterned papers, 10 coordinating solids, 4 accordions, 1 apple, 1 basket, 9 brads, 2 branches, 4 bursts, 1 cooked turkey, 1 corn, 9 flowers, 4 foliage, 4 frames, 1 horn of plenty, 3 leaves, 1 pear, 1 pie, 1 slice of pie, 1 pumpkin, 8 ribbons, 4 ricrac, 9 small flowers, 9 small hearts, 2 staples, 2 strings, 9 tags, 1 turkey, 2 stalks of wheat and 10 wordart