Home :: Element Packs :: *Doodles & Illustrations :: She's a Wildflower: Sketches

She's a Wildflower: Sketches

She's a Wildflower: Sketches
by Julie by Rochelle by Scrapdolly - PBP CT by Janik by Julie by Fayette by 01lousmith - PBP CT by Janik by Beth - PBP CT by Rochelle by Ozegirl - PBP CT

This collection is filled with vivid colors, fabulous flowers, fun characters and so much more! It will all help you scrap layouts about your favorite "wildflower", whether it's an actual flower or just an amazing person with a free spirit. Use this pack to ad fun edges and borders to your layouts. Get creative and have fun! 

Download includes 11 sketches: 4 Wildflower sketches and 7 character sketches (varying sizes from 1800px to 3300px at 300 ppi for excellent print quality).

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.


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Add date: 17 Jun 2024

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