Home :: Pocket Scrapbooking :: Woodland Carols Pocket Cards

Woodland Carols Pocket Cards

Woodland Carols Pocket Cards
Layout by Julie Layout by lbrtychic Layout by yorkiemom - PBP CT Layout by lbrtychic Layout by Sylvia - PBP CT Layout by lbrtychic Layout by Scrapdolly - PBP CT Layout by Elizabeth22 - PBP CT Layout by Janik Layout by Julie Layout by Janik Layout by zanthia - PBP CT

 If you're a lover of nature and all things Christmas, then you'll love this kit! I've included some adorable watercolor creatures and characters dressed in their finest Christmas attire, as well as some abstract watercolor trees and loads of other elements and papers to use on your digital scrapbooking pages.

Download includes: 10 pocket cards (various sizes).

All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.

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Add date: 17 Dec 2018

This product is downloadable.

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